Floral Blazer. On sale for $16, but I got it half off that in store!!

All Cotton On except for the beige and pink pants, and the leather look leggings. All the Cotton On clothing were 40% for Presidents Day. The pink pants I found at Target on sale for $11.98, and the beige pants were from H&M, and were only $17 after my 20% coupon I received in an email. Those leather look leggings were the only full priced item, at $13, from Necessary Clothing.

I know what you're thinking, why did I buy 3? Am I some crazy eBay lady looking for a payday? Nope, I just love this moisturizer and eye gel. These were half off, so I got each for $14. That moisturizer sold separately is $20. This was a total win, I love Christmas set leftovers!! And one is for my twin, she loves this stuff too. I'm not that crazy of a hoarder.

Lastly, some drugstore goodies. This Wet N Wild mascara is amazing for layering, and was 75% off! I bought two, they were $0.74 each! Rite Aid was also running a 40% off Wet N Wild sale, so I picked up a lipstick. It doesn't suit my skin color, so I'll pawn it off to a friend. The Revlon stuff was buy one get one 50% off, perfect time to try out that Nearly Naked Powder and new Colorstay concealer. And the chocolates? Well, Valentine's Day had passed so they were half off, and then one of the packages had a buy two save a dollar coupon, so I had to buy two. I just had to. I loveeee dark chocolate!
Long haul post I know, but I wanted to share my deals. Until next time!
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