May 27, 2014

Good Advice

Dress: Forever21 | Boots: H&M | Bag: Zara

Are you the type of person who gives amazing advice, but can't take your own? Yupp, that's me. it's hard to be in a situation in which you're so unsure, and you know what you can do to change it, but you just don't. It sucks but I'm working on it. I want to be more impulsive(within reason) and do things that make me happy. That's my goal from today on out!!

How do you guys work through tough decisions? What are your current goals?

♥ Trina

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  1. love floral dresses :) pretty


  2. Your dress is gorgeous! xx

    Check out my MAC Lipstick giveaway!

  3. I'm exactky like that! Cute dress btw

  4. You look so cute, love the dress! You're a doll! ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  5. the dress is gorgeous!


  6. Yes, now that you mention it I tend to second-guess much of the advice I try to give myself.
    I often bog down with the 'what if's'.
    I love the daisy print, neckline, short sleeves, flare and over all appearance
    of that very pretty daisy print mini-dress from Forever 21 !!!!!!
    You look absolutely gorgeous wearing it in the fabulous outfit photos above.

    My blog: Full Brief Panties
    My YouTube: misterpantybuns's Channel videos
    My Twitter: @Panty_Buns


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