January 29, 2013

Music Mondays #1: Current Faves - Jan 29

Okay so technically its Tuesday, but oh wells! I wanted to try something new, because as I have began to LOVE my blog and enjoy blogging regularly, I should start incorporating things I love that aren't just beauty and fashion, because people are more than exteriors. Take me for example. I love Harry Potter, reading, food, fitness and music. I've loved music since I was 9 years old. I love every kind of music, except for maybe gospel and extra country, country music. So I figured I would start making posts about my favorite music.

So my plan is to post my top ten songs of the week, but as that is not always an option, I plan to fill my "off weeks" with "top music" posts, like top 10 of a decade, or year, or genre. I hope you guys like it! I would love to number it in order of most favorite to least favorite of my favorites, but I foresee myself getting stuck and frustrated at choosing. So I've decided I'm going to number my top 3 in order and all those after will be in no particular order. Hope you guys enjoy!

This weeks favorites:

1. The Lumineers: Don't Wanna Go
2. Imagine Dragons: Radioactive
3. Margot and the Nuclear So and So's: Skeleton Key
4. The Lumineers: Stubborn Love
5. The Lumineers: Charlie Boy
6. The Lumineers: Flapper Girl
7. Mumford and Sons: After the Storm
8. Imagine Dragons: It's Time
9. The Lumineers: Ho Hey
10. The Lumineers: Flowers In Your Hair

This post is a bit Lumineer happy, but I just got into their music and I love it. Maybe next week I'll do a hip hop/pop/top 40 related list, to balance things out!

Until next time! ♥

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